Who Are Social Embers - Digital Legacy Consultants
A personal bereavement during 2012 led to the foundation of Social Embers in 2014. Sandy Weatherburn, our founder, became interested in the digital aspects of bereavement. We have evolved over the years and now Social Embers Digital Legacy Consultants offer a comprehensive range of end of life-related services for individuals, small businesses, solicitors and hospices.
Here are some of the things Digital Legacy Consultants get up to!
STEP Special Interest Group Member
The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners have a SIG (special interest group) that focusses on the management of digital assets within estate planning. Sandy is a member of this group, which brings digital legacy experts together from around the world, giving assurance to Social Embers clients who will always receive the most recent and accurate advice about digital assets and digital legacy planning.

Presenting at University Events
During September 2017 Sandy began studying a Master’s degree course – Death, Religion and Culture, at Winchester University, which she has now completed, and will be graduating as a ‘Master of Death’ in September 2020. During this time she has given presentations at universities that are related to those studies. She has also attended many conferences, to broaden her knowledge.
Supporting Dying Matters Week
We have supported several events during Dying Matters week, which takes place in annually during May. Sandy was a panel member and speaker at a community event – ‘Dying Well Takes Planning’ during this week in 2017.

Training for Hospices and Charities
Our presentations and training events are mostly based in Dorset where we hare based, but we have been further afield. We have worked with Dorothy House Hospice in Somerset and St Christopher’s hospice in South London. We have also supported an event at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations headquarters, advising on suggestions for digital ‘in memory giving’, for a number of charities.
Getting Awards
We were delighted to be nominated at the annual Good Funeral Awards, receiving commendation in two categories.